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Top 20 Posts for Q1 2009

One of the best things about having kids is getting a Spring Break with them.  I'm fortunate enough to be doing that this week.  So, rather than doing my normal posts, what I decided to do was to go back and do a couple of best of posts during the week.  Of course, I cheated and used eLearning Learning to help me come up with these.

  1. Twitter as Personal Learning and Work Tool
  2. 12 eLearning Predictions for 2009
  3. eLearning Conferences
  4. Tool Set 2009
  5. Remote Collaboration
  6. Better Memory
  7. Share Best Practices – Patterns
  8. Information Radar
  9. How long does it take to select an LMS?
  10. Good Writing
  11. What Goes in the LMS?
  12. Low Cost LMS
  13. Crowdsourcing in the Small
  14. Aggregation Types
  15. Corporate Training
  16. Workplace Productivity
  17. Video-Based eLearning Authoring Tools
  18. Workplace Learning Professionals Next Job - Management Consultant
  19. Twitter Conference Ideas
  20. Long Live

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