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Another Straw In The Wind Of A Dying Health IT Program We Know As The NEHRS / PCEHR.

The following article appeared last week.

Growing frustration with national e-health program

14th Nov 2012
CLINICIANS advising on the national e-health program say they are dissatisfied with the level of engagement by the National E-health Transition Authority (NEHTA), with MO understanding some are reconsidering their involvement.
A number of the 64 clinical leaders – listed on NEHTA’s website – approached by MO, confirmed there was growing frustration among the group.
One clinical leader, who wished to remain anonymous, said there had been a “communication blackout from NEHTA for quite some time” and that they were aware some other clinical leaders were “dissatisfied with the amount of engagement by NEHTA”.
“I’m not sure how much [the clinical leaders] are going to be engaged in the future. People are worried that they have dropped off the equation altogether… worried if e-health becomes a department of health-driven project without the [clinical input],” they said.
NEHTA’s national clinical lead, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, would not confirm reports to MO that some clinical leaders were planning to pull out of NEHTA due to frustration at not being listened to, but said retaining clinical advisers was vital to the integrity of the PCEHR.
More here:
This is a very important report in my view. If the hand selected - and pretty well paid incidentally - clinicians are starting to ‘up-stakes’ then one really has to wonder if this project has actually got any legs.
I know there was a trivial sum ($2.55M) made available for e-Health course development and some 30 e-health evangelists a short time ago from DoHA .
See here for a report:
I wonder are those leaving those who missed out on the new program - as it seems probable that with contractors being shed at NEHTA there will be less money available from that source.
As we have all noticed there has been a sudden reduction in discussion of e-Health in the media and the maintenance of the NEHTA web site has become perfunctory at best. Additionally one e-Health blogger has stopped posting much and another site has become a much more general health site.
My guess is that we are seeing the early signs of support being withdrawn for the NEHRS program and NEHTA and that the hope is no one will notice!
I note that as of today we see “No positions advertised” here:
Wind down mode if ever you saw it.

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