A colleague pointed out this blog post last week.
eHealth records: blessing or burden? (slideshow)
In this slide show I have tried to explain the complexity of the Australian eHealth record (or PCEHR) and why it is not necessarily an improvement for health professionals. Feel free to use, download and/or share this presentation.
The direct link to the blog post is here:
I have embedded a direct link as the blog indicates Dr Kruys is keen to have the presentation shared.
I have embedded a direct link as the blog indicates Dr Kruys is keen to have the presentation shared.
Reading through the 19 well considered slides all I can say is I wish I had put so clearly on the blog such a useful summary of all that is wrong and ill-considered with the PCEHR.
To me the advantages cited on Slide 3 are totally outweighed the cons on slide 4.
The presentation is available for review and download from the link above.
Many thanks Dr Kruys for a quality presentation that makes it clear just how far the Government has to go to make this PCEHR even slightly useful, safe, clinically acceptable, trustworthy and suitable for adoption.
There are not enough voices warning about all the issues covered here! I suspect Dr Kruys comes down pretty firmly on the burden side as far as the PCEHR is concerned.
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